Sunday, November 14, 2010

3 Months already....

On  Nov 6th Lily turned 3 months, still can't believe it's been 3 months since she came into our lives.  She has been a complete joy and we love being with her.  Right before her 3 month birthday she rolled over and mommy was so excited!  Mommy does tummy time with her everyday and when she is finished she rolls over to tell you she's had enough. Now she is working on sitting up, she loves it when mommy graps her hands and pulls her up to sitting she wants to be a big girl so bad. She also loves giggling and daddy has gotten some great video's of Lily laughing at mommy. She also has a favorite song that mommy must sing multiple times a day it is the "itsy bitsy spider" and you have to do the hand motions. We look forward to all the fun things that she is going to experience during her 3rd month.

1 comment:

  1. I love this Susan:) Soon enough you will become addicted to this. I make my blogs in to books for my kiddos. I am not a scrapbooker so this is my way of doing a baby book, or I should say childhood book for them. Your Lily is just precious. Too bad we don't live closer and Caroline and her could be buddies. Keep blogging so I can keep up with your sweet little family:)

